Fraser Health ICS Course Training
Workbook and Assisting Collateral
The Workbook

The Indigenous Cultural Safety (ICS) course training workbook is a 76 page workbook designed to aid those who are completing Fraser Health’s online ICS course training. The goal of the course is to education staff on the communities of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. The workbook encourages staff to reflect on what they learned through the course with questions connecting to their own life and links to learn more information.

The Assisting Collateral

Posters, thank you cards, and a website banner were all needed to support the launch of the training course. They all had the same art direction of blue and orange landscapes, along with Indigenous art.

My Work

I designed all of the assisting collateral, including the poster, thank you card, and website banner. I also, with a partner, designed the course workbook.

The Direction

Based around the repeating blue landscape background on all materials, the workbook and collateral use different hues of Fraser Health’s brand colours: blue and orange. This makes the materials easy to identify together and easy to read.

My Role

Graphic designer

In collaboration with:
Antony Kumar
Joaquin Suarez
Thomas Nelles